About Us
Boutique contract manufacturer
Manufacturing Health Solutions are contract manufacturers, specialising in health foods, functional foods, nutraceutical supplements and cosmetic products. Our clients range from large health and wellness companies to sole trader healthcare practitioners.
Manufacturing Health Solutions ensures that your needs are not only met but exceeded every time. We source the purest, highest quality raw ingredients available in Australia at the most cost-effective prices. We maintain on-going research and development to ensure that we are up to date with the latest technologies in manufacturing and product formulation. MHS’s bulk blending and packaging processes establish us as the premier contract manufacturers for your proprietary formula products. Our manufacturing facilities make it possible to blend any dry products and liquids to your specifications. We can produce small quantities for product concept development, to large quantities scale and we provide all your packaging needs. We are an experienced, certified organic processor with a wide range of organic ingredients on offer. MHS specialises in functional foods, green blends, sports nutrition, weight management and health and wellness products. We are committed to abide by guidelines set down by Food Standards Australian New Zealand, (FSANZ).
Click here to learn more about how we can help you.